What is my research about?

Developing a set of open-source computational tools in Python to perform multi-scale analysis of structure-function relationship in mitochondrial networks. My model organism is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also known as budding yeast.

Segmentation of mitochondrial networks from live yeast cells 3D images taken with a spinning disk confocal microscope

Modulation of mitochondrial function by altering carbon source growth conditions

Analysis of mitochondrial functional asymmetry in mother and daughter yeast cells


If you wish to download the source code for the pipeline, you need to have these dependencies installed:

**MayaVi has a known conflict when run under IPython and Python 2.7, specifically incompatible API versions. To fix, set QT_API=pyqt under your enviroment variables, either in BASH or Windows advanced settings. The best way to ensure all dependencies are fulfilled is by installing the Anaconda Python package.